Racism in any form is never acceptable and should never be tolerated.  The NCVF and the people that comprise it support the eradication of racism, bigotry, and discrimination in all its forms.  We express our sorrow for lost loved ones and offer our condolences to families and communities who have been victimized by discrimination, explicit or insidious.

But today, words are not enough.

We endorse individual and collective action that effectuates immediate and positive change.  We endorse education, community outreach, the removal of racists from office, and condemnation of racist policies and practices.  We endorse common decency and respect for others in the way we conduct our daily lives, and we encourage atonement, love and the persistence of our joint convictions to eliminate the scourge of racism from this earth.

We are inspired by the strong, compassionate responses from our teams, showing themselves to not only be the leaders of tomorrow, but strong agents for positive change today.  Let us heed the call to action not only today, but every day.